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Alambic Meunier


Our Profession: plant distiller

Two well-distinct professions lie behind the word Distiller. The alcohol maker distils to separate the water and alcohol molecules from a fermented wash in order to concentrate its alcohol content. This is usually done in an industrial process intended to produce neutral spirits and alcoholic beverages such as Vodka. Conversely, the plant distiller does not himself create alcohol but rather uses distillation to concentrate the flavours of carefully selected plants into a highly fragrant solution called a distillate.

eric alambic meunier
eric fermeture alambic

A Unique Know-how

Since 1809, each Master Distiller who has watched over the Distillery’s recipes has guaranteed the consistency of our products, thanks to carefully followed processes. We distill slowly in order to achieve an optimal concentration of plant aromas. Distillation heads are disregarded in order to eliminate any impurities carried over from the previous distillation. Tails are also disregarded given their overly high concentration in essential oils. Amongst the hearts, we only select the first part while the second part is redistilled in order to further refine the aroma concentration. These centuries’ old processes have enabled us to reflect with pride the aromas and the quality of the plants we harvest.

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manipulation alambic meunier
fermeture alambic meunier

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